The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 requires Nicks Got Your Back to make the following disclosure as to our efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from our direct supply chain:
Verification of Supply Chain – Nicks Got Your Back will develop and maintain a code of conduct in our ongoing relationship with our direct suppliers. One of the tenets of that code will be that our supplier must be operating within the confines of legal, ethical labor practices. We will update this disclosure once our supplier code of conduct is in effect across all of our suppliers.
Audit – Nicks Got Your Back does not currently conduct audits of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance with company standards against trafficking and slavery in supply chains.
Supplier Certification – Once our Supplier Code is in effect, our suppliers will be required to certify compliance with our Supplier Code each time the contract with that supplier renews.
Accountability – Nicks Got Your Back is committed to ethical and socially responsible conduct in the workplace. Upon hire, Nicks Got Your Back will require all employees to read and acknowledge receipt and understanding of our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct will include, among other things, certification that the employee will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Human trafficking and slavery are a violation of such laws, and would constitute a violation of our Code of Conduct. Such a violation could result in disciplinary action against the employee, including termination. Should an employee of Nicks Got Your Back become aware of a violation among our suppliers, it is their responsibility to report it to their immediate Supervisor, who in-turn has the responsibility to report it to Senior Management. In the event Senior Management is made aware of slavery and or human trafficking from a supplier, Senior Management will work with the supplier to remediate the problem, however Nicks Got Your Back reserves the right to terminate a business relationship with an employee or supplier if it is deemed necessary depending on the severity of the occurrence.
Training – As noted above, Nicks Got Your Back will require certification from our employees and our suppliers that they understand and will adhere to our Code of Conduct. We will provide new-hire training to our employees on our Code of Conduct.
11842 Jefferson Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 744-5384
[email protected]